by Lisa Oxley on Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Hunger is real. Close to one in four children in Story County continue to be eligible to receive free/reduced lunch. Once summer break starts, these children won’t have access to school-provided meals. As a result, the need for food at local food pantries is typically even greater during the summer months. To combat the need, United Way of Story County (UWSC) will hold the annual LIVE UNITED Food Drive April 25-May 5.
To view a list of most needed items click here
While food donations are necessary for the success of the LIVE UNITED Food Drive, monetary donations are also accepted. Cash donations can go far with pantries at the Food Bank of Iowa! $5 purchases 30 pounds of food, $10 purchases 65 pounds, and $25 purchases almost 160 pounds! Simply donate via Venmo or drop off cash or check (made out to UWSC) by May 5 at any collection spot. www.uwstory.org/Food-Drive